WHEN THE "I" IS REPLACED BY THE "WE", ILLNESS IS TRANSFORMED INTO WELLNESS There are many reasons to support an NGO. Some organizations support th ...
5th Sogolo Coffee – The value of Solidarity
At this afternoon's coffee, the 5th of our Café Sogolo series, we had a very enriching debate on the value of Solidarity.
Education – United Nations Sustainable Development Many of you will have heard the term SDGs in the media lately. It is not an easy term to understand ...
4th Sogolo coffee session
4th Sogolo coffee sessionWe leave you the session corresponding to our 4th Sogolo Café. We hope it tastes as good as it did to us.
Zambian storyteller
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtxQI0AV6qALast December 27th we were lucky enough to have Boni Ofogo and Ramon Diaz de Bustamante at a Zambian Storyt ...
Today the caterpillar becomes a butterfly
For all Sogoleños, who believe in the value of unity and solidarity to work for the common good, a precious story: TODAY, THE CATERPILLAR BECOMES A BU ...
3rd Sogolo coffee session
As always, after a delicious Sogolo coffee, we leave you the presentation that we have seen, we hope you like it.
Happy new year!
The secondary school students of Mkasanga school congratulate us on the holidays.https://sogolo.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/VID-20201219-WA0006-1.m ...
2nd Sogolo coffee session
We just finished our second Sogolo coffee session. The session has been spectacular and here is the presentation so you can enjoy it.
1st Sogolo coffee session
This is our first Sogolo coffee session.