This project arises as the second part of the Science Laboratory project that we addressed in the 2020-2021 academic year. After obtaining laboratory materials, the construction of the bricks and the acquisition of cement and roof cover, it is time for the construction of the classroom. From the College of Mkasanga they have asked us for help for the hiring of specialized labor (masons and construction management) in order to guarantee the quality of the construction.
Zambia is a country where only 41.5% of the population under the age of 24 is in school… and there is an illiteracy rate of young women of 55.2%. What is the real change Zambia needs? From SOGOLO we are committed to the development of education with a joint and sustainable approach over time.

In Zambia, pre-university education is structured in four cycles: -Infant: 3 years, -primary: 7 years (Grade 1-Grade7), -middle secondary: 2 years (Grade 8-Grade 9) and upper secondary: 3 years (Grade 10-Grade12). The school in Mkasanga, near the perimeter of the South Luanga Valley National Park, two years ago only had the first two cycles and students stopped studying very soon. In 2019 from the Benito Pérez Galdós School, its Educational Community financed an electric generator to be able to connect the computers that the Bill Gates Foundation had given them. Hence, it was possible to adapt to also be an institute by having the possibility of being able to take the official secondary exams. In this way, children could continue their education without leaving their paternal homes.
SOGOLO now wants to go one step further in training young boys and girls from Mkasanga School so that they can continue their secondary education and get out of poverty. This is a collaborative project:
- they have asked us for material for the provision of a science laboratory for 30 students, which we have already prepared to send to Zambia,
- the Community of Mkasanga, coordinated by its director Mr. Damiano, has built the adobe bricks for the building where the laboratory will be installed,
- Sogolo, thanks to donations in the first phase of the project, has acquired the cement and the roof.
- Now we, with your donations in this new phase of construction of the classroom, will try to make this scientific project a reality by hiring the professional workforce that guarantees the quality of the building.
This project has direct visibility in the Zambian Ministry of Education. On one hand, the director of the school of Mkasanga has requested and obtained the official authorization for the construction of the classroom, having already produced the allocation of the corresponding land. On the other hand, a member of the Board of Directors of Sogolo has presented our project in person to the Minister of Education, who has recognized and thanked our work to improve education in Zambia.
You can make your contribution in this link. Thanks a lot.