Among older people, saying “thank you” and asking for things “please” are often used in Spain. However, among younger people, it is often frowned upon because it is not modern. I deserve what I get and when I ask for it, I want it now. However, at the NGO SOGOLO, we believe that we all have to thank life for everything we have, as a first step to be able to help others. Thank you for breathing, thank you for being healthy, thank you for having a family, thank you for having a job, thank you for having a school, so many things that often lead us to feel dissatisfied because we want more and more.
If we believe that life has given us a lot and that we have more than we really need, we can talk about sharing and being empathetic with those who need it most. Teaching others to be happy with what they have is the key to living a satisfied life. And that attitude must start with oneself in all areas of our lives, at work, in the family, with friends,… A smile is a good way to support those “thank yous”.