The management team of the school “BENITO PEREZ GALDOS” has decided that the money raised from the raffle of three Christmas baskets this year will go to SOGOLO. We are very grateful to them and also for their request to make the students aware of what an NGO does. For this reason, during the week of December 12-16, an awareness campaign was held at CEIP Benito Pérez Galdós, so that the children of the school could learn more about the activities that NGOs, and especially SOGOLO, do. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the projects that our association has done since its origin were presented.

After the presentation, made by one of the members of the Board of Directors of Sogolo, the origin of SOGOLO was emphasized. Sogolo was born from the gratitude to life of a group of people who believe that another world is possible. When one is grateful, solidarity is possible and any effort is valid to try to help others, who are less fortunate than us simply for being born where we were born.

To be sogoleño or sogoleña, you have to be grateful. Therefore, post-its were distributed in which each child had to write a phrase, a word or draw a picture for what he or she is grateful. Then, together, we built a very special Christmas tree: the SOGOLO tree. Here there are some pictures. A very special thanks from SOGOLO to all the teachers who have participated in the activity and have helped us in this campaign of solidarity for children from Majadahonda. We would also like to thank the management team of the school for their involvement and collaboration in this campaign.